Paolo Scheggi's work Spatial composition (1967-1968, wooden modules painted red, cubic sides: 80 cm, 40 cm, 20 cm, 10 cm), created for the historical company Poggi Fabbrica Mobili Arredamenti Snc in Pavia, is part of the exhibition IL MONDO DI POGGI. L'officina del design e delle arti dedicated to Roberto Poggi (1924-2020), a cabinetmaker and entrepreneur from Pavia who is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern furniture industry.
The exhibition, curated by Roberto Dulio, Fabio Marino and Stefano Andrea Poli, lecturers at the Milan Polytechnic and authors of the book of the same name Il mondo di Poggi - L'officina del design e delle arti (Electa, Milan 2019), is divided into an exhibition itinerary that presents to the public Poggi's multifaceted activity and his decisive role in the dialogue with different generations of architects and designers, including Franco Albini, Vico Magistretti, Marco Zanuso, Afra and Tobia Scarpa. They all encountered a skilled craftsman who transcended the realms of the mere executor, transfiguring the technical activity of art into a creative moment that was anything but subordinate to the project. The recent death of the company's protagonist (24 December 2020) also lends this event the character of a tribute to the memory of the "cabinetmaker of design" and to his tireless and qualified activity.
The exhibition can be visited at the Musei Civici di Pavia - Castello Visconteo, Sala del Rivellino, from 2 June to 30 September 2022.