Born in Milan in March 1970, Cosima Scheggi Merlini graduated in Architecture in 1995 at the Politecnico di Milano with arch. Guido Nardi, presenting a thesis on tensile-structural roofing systems in modular elements.

In 1993 she collaborated on the Territorial Redevelopment Plan in Campione D'Italia.

From 1995 to 2002 she collaborated with the studio of Arch. Andrea Gola for restoration and conservative renovation of listed buildings, renovation of residential flats, offices and recovery projects.
Since 2002 she has opened a design studio that deals with interventions of requalification of the existing building heritage, restoration and conservative renovation interventions and interior design.

Since 1998, she has been Safety Coordinator on construction sites.

She is a consultant to numerous construction companies for the drafting of construction safety documents.

She has taken part in several design competitions, taking third place in 2005 in the competition of ideas entitled: "Redevelopment of the urban space in the historic centre of Roncade (TV)".

Participated in the Master Course in Construction Management at the Polytechnic of Milan Dip. BEST - from 2003 to 2005.

Since 2012, the year in which the Associazione Paolo Scheggi was set up in Milan, she has been researching, promoting and disseminating the work of his father Paolo Scheggi, working alongside his mother Franca Scheggi Dall'Acqua and picking up the baton after her death in March 2020.