The Paolo Scheggi Archive Association is pleased to announce the exhibition

Curated by Ilaria Bignotti

Cardi Gallery (Corso di Porta Nuova 38, Milan)
January 26-April 15, 2023 

Making Spaces is the title of the exhibition organized by Cardi Gallery in Milan in collaboration with thePaolo Scheggi Association, which will present a selection of more than 25 works by Paolo Scheggi to the public from January 26 to April 15, 2023.

This exhibition intends to analyze his artistic research from the early 1960s to the early 1970s, celebrating 1963 as a key date for Paolo Scheggi's international affirmation and contextualization, the year of his entry into the collection of two Intersuperfici in the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome, then directed by Palma Bucarelli, and his participation in the Monocroma group show in Bologna and Florence.

The exhibition itinerary, curated by Ilaria Bignotti, will unfold according to two directives that intend, on the one hand, to investigate the integrated design to architecture that the artist conducts by elaborating the spatial modules at the basis of his best-known works, and on the other hand, to offer visitors a broad overview of Scheggi's approach to the concepts of interaction, inter-space and multimedia also through unpublished archival documentation.

The exhibition is conceived as a dialogue between Intersuperfici, Inter-ena-cubi, environments and projects of plastic integration to architecture, letters and design sketches, drawings and maquettes of environments that constitute the theoretical and programmatic corollary of his works.
For the occasion, the large immersive environment Interfiore (1968), made with 85 fluorescent rings made of wood and Wood's light suspended in darkness, will also be reconstructed for a decisive "invasion" of architectural space so dear to the artist. 

The exhibition also recounts the role played by famous critics, designers and manufacturers with whom Scheggi forged collaborations, such as Germano Celant, Angelo Fronzoni, Alessandro Mendini, Gian Mario Oliveri, Giancarlo Sangregorio and with whom in 1965 the artist signed the typewritten volume Ipotesi di lavoro per la progettazione totale presented at the Collegio Regionale Lombardo degli Architetti in Milan, up to his collaboration with the Poggi Factory that saw the production of plastic-visual objects also related to furniture, and his role as visual consultant for major urban design competitions between 1966 and 1969.