Tag Archives: paoloscheggi

Paolo Scheggi in Forlì

Paolo Scheggi's work Intersuperficie curva, 1969, red acrylic on three overlapping canvases, 100 x 70 x 6 cm was selected for the major exhibition L'arte della moda. The age of dreams and revolutions 1789-1968, conceived and realized by Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì in the spaces of Museo Civico San Domenico, from March 18 to July 2, 2023.Directed [...]

Paolo Scheggi for Museum of Art Pudong

The Paolo Scheggi Association is very happy to announce that Paolo Scheggi's Inter-ena-cubo (1970), formerly part of the Permanent Collection of Tate Modern in London, is among the works in the international exhibition The Dynamic Eye: Op and Kinetic Art from the Tate Collection that opened last September 30, 2022 at the Museum of Art Pudong (MAP), visionary [...]

Premio In memoria di Cristina Castiglioni Roversi – II edizione

The Paolo Scheggi Archive Association, in pursuit of one of the objectives of its mission, which is to promote the study and in-depth study of the work and life of Paolo Scheggi, invites international researchers and scholars who have obtained a second-level academic degree in art-historical disciplines (old-school degree, master's or master's degree or similar academic degree obtained abroad [...].