Conception and curatorship of the project VINCENZO AGNETTI AND PAOLO SCHEGGI, THE TEMPLE. THE BIRTH OF EIDOS in co-curatorial collaboration with the Archivio Vincenzo Agnetti and with Bruno Corà and Ilaria Bignotti.
The project consists in the restitution to the public of a four-handed work conceived by Agnetti and Scheggi in 1970-1971 but interrupted due to Scheggi's premature death. The two Archives have found drawings, notes, sketches and study materials that have made it possible to reconstruct the project and return it to the public and scholars in the form of a limited edition Folder, published by the Stamperia dell'Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome and consisting of 9 sheets reproducing the 11 photoengravings taken from the artists' original drawings.
The images were photographed on 11 plates of copper and printed by hand with the Van De Weghe intaglio press at the Stamperia dell'Istituto Centrale per la Grafica by Matteo Maria Borsoi and Fabio Ascenzi, between October 2020 and July 2021.
The complete edition consists of three runs divided as follows:
40 folders with Arabic numbers from 1/40 to 40/40 with the stamps of the two archives;
16 folders with Roman numerals from I/XVI to XVI/XVI with the embossing stamp of the Central Institute for Graphics;
10 folders with the letters A to L with the stamps of the two archives.
The project is on display until 20 February 2022 at the Museo del Novecento in Milan in the Focus space (floor -1) and is accompanied by a book published by Forma Edizioni that reconstructs the stages of this important archival work.
For more information write to info@associazionepaoloscheggi.com